Sunday, August 2, 2009

the sun didn't shine last Saturday (Aug 1 post)

In life, as in movies, dark periods of grief and sorrow almost always are framed in gray, sunless skies. I woke up at 1PM today after a drunken binge last night, and it was raining - the skies fortuitously weeping without any trace of the sun hiding behind dark, heavy clouds. I went about lunch and grabbed a few stuff at the grocery like a zombie.

I wondered why the world is not bursting with yellow sunlight, and then I heard a stray noise from a neighbor's telly about the passing of a great woman. I finally understood why.

The world will turn a bright yellow tomorrow.
In college I was taught that Aquino's administration was not as rosy as we like to think of it to be. Even as she ushered in democracy to a then heavily-wounded society after decades of tyranny and oppression, most of the old problems remained, and some opportunities for renewal and genuine change were lost.

But I say history is woven by small stories of personal triumphs and losses. And Aquino's story is that of a woman who was not meant and fit to be president, but whose integrity, honesty, and sense of responsibility was greater than the any qualification we will ever need. And during those times, those may well be the only things that we needed from a leader. We may not have achieved far in terms of social development, but Cory shined the brightest light to show what it means to be a true social servant.

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