Friday, May 18, 2007

The body

I'm having one of my severest bouts of cold and cough today. Can't even sleep, it's too hot in my room. I think my really large room mate is absorbing all the cool and converting it to warm, pungent air. Good thing he's on night shift (he's a call center representative). At least for the most part, when he's already out at work and I can then sleep, our room can just seem to be warmer than your usual. Not hot.

Hot air exacerbates my condition. It's as if the humid temp also melts my snot, making my nose runny. And I'm sweating like hell. There's that feeling that everything bad's happening to me all at once, making me more irritable, which then gives me the urge to throw my stuffed teddy pig at my room mate. But before I do, I realize I can simply run up to our rooftop and let the evening breeze cool me down. It's not really that cooler apparently, but at least up here, the air was blowing.
Melinda bye bye. You are indeed one heck of a singer, but you don't offer something new to us audience. Week after week we expect the same Melinda singing, and we do get it. That's nice. But Blake is simply more original and more daring while Jordin, though not as good as you, just keeps getting better and better each week. At least they give us something to look forward to. Simon got it right: my commiseration to you, and congratulations to the two.
The history of western philosophy went in this order:
Greek antiquity - Medieval/Dark Ages - Renaissance - Age of Reason - Enlightenment - Modern - Postmodern.

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